Thupparivalan was Kollywood's version of the Universal Godfather of Detectives, Sherlock Holmes originally created by Arthur Conan Doyle. The movie starring Vishal and Prasanna, who were at their most sublime form and the movie was a hit. Andrea, Anu Emmanuel, Vinay and Bhagyaraj also had substantial roles in the movie. The movie was a perfect mix of realism and entertainment. The film was also produced by Vishal.

The director of the movie, Mysskin, is known for his dark, neo-noir tinted films which makes his movies stand out. With engaging screenplay, and some scintillating background score by Arrol Corelli, the movie managed to keep everyone at the edge of their seats till the ultimate climax.

Detective genre films are not something you see so often in Kollywood and Thuparivalan became an immediate favourite for most of the audience and gained a cult status.

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